How to choose high-quality tempered glass for agricultural glass greenhouses?

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How to choose high-quality tempered glass for agricultural glass greenhouses?

How to choose high-quality tempered glass for agricultural glass greenhouses? Today, modern agriculture has a very stable and reliable development direction. At present, glass greenhouses have become the most reliable modern agricultural greenhouse facilities.

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The core of the agricultural glass greenhouse lies in the intelligent and controllable greenhouse environment, so the profiles will become the basis for the controllability of the greenhouse environment. Glass accounts for about 5%-10% of the overall greenhouse investment, and there is no other material that can replace glass. The types of glass used in the top and side walls of agricultural glass greenhouses vary greatly depending on the purpose.


The glass used in the side walls of agricultural glass greenhouses is generally ordinary insulating float glass, and the design specifications are mostly 5+6+5 insulating ordinary insulating float glass. The top of the glass greenhouse must be made of tempered glass. How to choose good tempered glass has become a concern for many construction companies and growers.


Lets first talk about why the top glass of the greenhouse must be tempered glass. The height of modern agricultural glass greenhouses is generally between 5-7 meters. The profiles of the greenhouses are mostly made of aluminum. Glue is required between the glass and the metal frame to ensure good sealing of the greenhouse.


The height of the greenhouse determines that the greenhouse must use tempered glass. Ordinary glass is fragile. When encountering hail, heavy rainfall, or other hard and impactful objects, the breakage rate is very high, thus affecting the internal temperature and ecology of the greenhouse.


Tempered glass will not cause harm to people or crops due to its impact resistance and the fact that it breaks into small, edge-free particles after self-explosion. Consideration from a safety perspective is the first choice.

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How to choose good tempered glass for agricultural greenhouses


For agricultural glass greenhouses, choosing good tempered glass mainly depends on the self-explosion rate, light transmittance, and the shape after self-explosion.


What is the self-explosion rate? After tempered glass, there will be internal stress inside the glass itself. Tempered glass is a large glass composed of multiple small polygonal particles, and internal stress can be imagined as the force that squeezes these particles together.


When the internal stress is broken, these particles will explode. The probability of self-destruction without external force is the self-destruction rate. The national standard for the self-explosion rate of tempered glass is 3. The self-explosion rate of Yuhua Glass, the best tempered glass in China, is always controlled at 2.


How to test whether the tempered glass is qualified mainly depends on the shape of the tempered glass after it explodes. Taking our company as an example, circle an area of 50*50mm on the tempered glass and manually explode the tempered glass. If the number of particles per unit area is greater than 60, it is high-quality tempered glass. If it is greater than or equal to 40, then it meets the national standard.


Translucency is also a more important attribute in agriculture


In line with the principle of one share of sunshine, one share of harvest, the higher the light transmittance, the more abundant the light will be inside the greenhouse, and the more secure the crop growth will be.


On the top glass of agricultural greenhouses, ultra-white tempered glass is the standard choice, with a light transmittance of up to 90%. Ordinary float tempered glass with a light transmittance of 86% is not recommended. The lower light transmittance cannot guarantee the normal growth of greenhouse crops.


The standard glass used in agricultural glass greenhouses at this stage is ultra-white tempered scattering glass. While ensuring the light transmittance, it can also ensure the uniformity of illumination inside the greenhouse. It is currently the first choice for most greenhouses.


To summarize: How to choose good tempered glass for agricultural greenhouses


First: Tempered safety performance


It must be tempered, the national standard is 50x50mm, and the grain size is greater than or equal to 40. High standard particles are greater than or equal to 60;


Second: Self-destruction rate


National standard 3, high performance 2;


Third: Translucency


Must be super white, normal 90%, standard 91.5%, coating standard 97.5%


Fourth: Extended Characteristics


Scattering, haze value, hemispheric transmittance;

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